
Ocean Bound Plastic Certification Standard added to the Hub

A fourth certification standard has been added to the Hub this month.

Zero Plastic Oceans logoThe OBP Neutrality Subprogram is part of the OBP Certification Program, created by the NGO Zero Plastic Oceans (ZPO), which focuses on reducing the amount of plastic waste that enters oceans. It is a market-based mechanism for financing the removal and treatment of non-commercially recyclable OBP, and is complementary to the OBP Recycling Subprogram that caters for the commercially recyclable portion of the OBP. Combined, both Subprograms ensure all Ocean Bound Plastic can be collected and managed following environmentally sound and fair-trade practises.

CAH founder, Pedro Moura Costa, welcomed this addition, “We are very happy to be able to include the OBP Neutrality Subprogram in our list of possible Certification options for both waste collector initiatives and credit buyers. Preventing plastic entering the ocean and removing what is already there remains a critical issue for marine life, and concerns for the impact on the food chain and on people are increasing, so we’re particularly pleased to be able to help promote this initiative.” 

Vincent Decap, from Zero Plastic Oceans, commented, “Ensuring that Ocean Bound Plastic is stopped before it can reach the ocean is a task that requires many collaborations between solution providers, projects, industries and governments. Initiatives like the CAH promote and facilitate these collaborations and we are very glad to be part of it!”