
The Circular Action Hub Registry helps its participants in providing visibility and transparency of the impacts created by their circular economy activities.

For project developers, the Project Registry provides details of the amount of waste collected and recycled, the amount of credits issued, sold, cancelled, and available for purchase.

For FMCG companies and investors, the Transactions Registry provides details of the amount of credits bought and retired, and the source of credits (i.e. projects, location). This enables companies to provide visibility on their circular economy activities, and to substantiate any claims they make on this matter in a fully transparent way.

Both registries provide information on the materials collected and/or recycled and which certification standards were used for the creation of these credits (for example, Circular Credits Standard, Plastic Waste Reduction Standard, Ocean Bound Plastics standard, etc.).

View and search our registries to find details of listed projects and the transactions which have been made by corporate supporters.

Project Registry

See the impact of projects worldwide

Transactions Registry

See details of corporate support for projects