
Circular Credits: A financial solution for Jordan’s waste recovery actors

BVRio’s Circular Economy team provided expert insight on opportunities to promote the Circular Credits Mechanism (CCM) for private sector engagement in Jordan, for an expansive assessment conducted and published by ACTED (1).

In the document, ACTED refers to the CCM as a viable solution to the financial challenges of Jordanian waste recovery actors engaged within the assessment – recycling facilities, sorting centres, waste pickers –, advising them to register their projects on the Circular Action Hub’s (CAH) Marketplace to seek investors’ support.

The study suggests that the CCM can help the growth of the sector in Jordan by eventually generating further employment opportunities for the skilled and unskilled labour force, as well as giving the informal actors’ opportunities for partnerships with formal entities, as this is one of the eligibility criteria to sell Circular Credits through the CAH.

Apart from contributing as Key Informants to the assessment, BVRio’s Circular Economy team edited the document’s section on Circular Credits and attended the validation workshop to review critical data trends and give further feedback on strategic opportunities and gaps within circular economy approaches in Jordan.

Watch our video Plastic Credits – How it works?

1 ACTED (2021), Circular Economy National Study in Jordan. Executive Summary. EU Trust Fund (Madad), ACTED, GIZ, MoLA.